Do you have an idea to improve programming?
Do you want constructive criticism?
Submit to the Future Programming Workshop!

The Future Programming Workshop (FPW) invites ambitious visions, new approaches, and early-stage work of all kinds seeking to improve software development. Participants will present their work at SPLASH in Pittsburgh and optionally at Strange Loop in St. Louis, culminating in a writers’ workshop at SPLASH.

FPW fosters a supportive and inspirational community of researchers and practitioners working at the frontiers of software. We are looking for transformative ideas outside the academic and industrial mainstream — ideas with potentially large impacts on how we will build software in the future. We embrace early-stage work, when it is most in need of constructive criticism, and offer a safe and effective environment in which to receive such criticism.

Any form of digital media can be submitted — whatever best conveys your ideas now. We suggest a video screencast of a demo as a good way to communicate early work. Written papers or illustrative web pages are also acceptable. You may choose to be included in the workshop proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library if you use the standard ACM template. Whatever form you choose, we strongly encourage you to offer practical examples of your idea in action. All submissions will be reviewed by a program committee. Videos should be no more than 15 minutes. Papers should be no more than 8 pages. Web documents should have no more content than an 8 page paper.

The heart of FPW is the writers’ workshop1,2, a simple but effective exercise. Facilitated by the organizers, all the particpants will discuss and criticize each other’s work in turn. You remain silent while your work is criticized. This can be excruciating but also intensely rewarding. Past participants report it to be the most valuable feedback on their work they have ever received.

FPW 2015 Schedule

Submissions are closed.
For questions please see the FAQ or ask
Last year's event: FPW 2014.

Program Committee

Brought to you by Richard Gabriel, Alex Payne, and Jonathan Edwards.